ux research Archives - Page 6 of 8 - Trymata

ux research

What is the right sample size for a UX research study?

  Have you ever wondered how many people are needed for a UX research study? It is important to know...

5 tips for conducting UX research

    For any UX design process, UX research is perhaps the most critical aspect. That’s because when you don’t...

5 tips for better ecommerce UX

    Ecommerce has become the mandatory way of conducting business in the modern economy. While ecommerce certainly has its...

Top sample questions for moderated testing

    You cannot simply launch a website without ensuring that it offers the fastest loading time, smooth navigation, user-friendly...

How to assess the efficacy of UX: KPI methods

  The user experience (UX) is just not limited to how the product you provide looks and feels. It’s about how easy...