New technology uses A.I. to find UX problems - Trymata

New technology uses A.I. to find UX problems

Find the stories in your traffic

When it comes to solving UX problems, Google Analytics will never be enough. There’s a lot you can learn from it: page visits, user pathways, conversions, dropoffs, and more. But these are not the building blocks of the User Experience.

For the user, their experience is comprised of moments. Interactions like reading a blurb, clicking a link, searching for a button, or picking between 2 options are their building blocks, and to truly understand the UX of your website, you need to understand these behaviors.

So what if, instead of Google Analytics, something could show you a video of every single user session on your site? What if you could gather 100% of user behaviors and turn them into a deeper understanding of your site’s UX?


TryMyUI Stream shows you every user session

We’re releasing a brand new technology called TryMyUI Stream to capture every user session, show you user behavior patterns on your site, and identify UX problems with A.I.

Here’s how it works:


1. Add the tracking snippet

TryMyUI Stream Step 1: Add the tracking snippet

Add the Stream tracking code to your web pages.


2. Capture real user sessions

TryMyUI Stream Step 2: Capture user sessions

Get video data of every single user on your website.


3. Find every bad experience

TryMyUI Stream Step 3: Find bad UX

Identify bad UX with Stream’s A.I. frustration finder.


Stream takes the guesswork out of finding and solving UX problems by giving you all the data you need to understand user behaviors on your site. No more Google Analytics-based speculation – now you can peek directly into your users’ experience.


Artificial intelligence to identify user frustration moments

The problem with collecting every single session is that you need a plan of attack. With thousands of videos in your Stream library, where do you start? How do you pick which one to watch?

Stream uses an A.I. engine to automatically identify 4 user behaviors that indicate frustration: Rage Clicks, Scrandom, Backtracking, and Wild Mouse. Videos containing any instances of these behaviors are tagged in your library so you can easily find problem spots and watch what happened when users encountered them.

So if you want to see where people Rage Clicked, or Backtracked, you can filter for just those results, and start watching and learning.

Stream library screenshot


Usability testing, off the script

What does Stream tell you that regular old remote usability testing doesn’t? There are 3 unique advantages to using Stream:


1. What to test

When you create a usability test, you’ve already made assumptions about where to look for problems – which flows, pages, or user personas to target to find UX issues. But you may have serious flaws on pages you’re not even testing.

Stream bridges the gap between how to test and what to test. By observing real user sessions across your site, you can choose which flows to run user testing studies on based on real data.

2. Authentic experiences

Remote usability testing eliminates most of the distortions of moderated, on-site testing. Ultimately, though, it is still a recreation of the user experience.

Stream, on the other hand, shows you what real customers are actually doing on your website. After stripping away the tasks and scenarios and questionnaires, all that’s left is the authentic user experience of every user.

3. Scaling up

Remote usability testing is usually done on a smaller scale – partly because it’s expensive to scale up, partly because it’s hard to watch and analyze so many test videos (without a special tool like UXCrowd).

With Stream you can collect as many as tens of thousands of videos and set UX benchmarks to work towards based on reliable, quantified user testing metrics.


Observe every user story


Get a headstart on the future of UX

TryMyUI Stream is now in Beta as we continue to hone its session capture and user frustration tagging capabilities. To try it out early and help shape the tool with your feedback, add your name to the Stream waiting list.

By Tim Rotolo

Tim Rotolo is a co-founder at Trymata, and the company's Chief Growth Officer. He is a born researcher whose diverse interests include design, architecture, history, psychology, biology, and more. Tim holds a Bachelor's Degree in International Relations from Claremont McKenna College in southern California. You can reach him on Linkedin at or on Twitter at @timoroto