9 Usability Testing Checklist to Start Your First Test

9 Usability Testing Checklist to Start Your First Test


Usability tests are a popular method in User Experience (UX) research. While the process can be a bit complicated, it’s very effective when done right. We’ve put together a usability testing checklist to guide you through your first usability test. Let’s get started!

In this article, you’ll find key points to remember when running these tests. By following this checklist, you can gather useful insights to help improve your products.

What is Usability Testing?

Usability testing is a way to see how people use a product, service, or system. It often focuses on software, websites, or devices. The goal is to find out what problems users face and what can be improved to improve the overall experience.

In a usability test, a group of users is asked to complete specific tasks that represent real situations they might face when using the product. These tasks can help you understand how the product works in real-life conditions.

The test typically takes place in a controlled setting, where researchers watch how participants behave and gather feedback. They may also use tools like screen recordings, eye-tracking, surveys, or interviews to collect more detailed insights about the user’s experience.

9 Usability Testing Checklist to Get You Started with Usability Testing

Running a usability test takes some preparation and know-how. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started, along with some handy checklists and templates to make things easier.

  1. Set Your Testing Goals: Start by clearly defining what you want to achieve with your test. Are you testing a new website feature, an app’s usability, or the checkout process? Knowing your goals will keep the test focused and help you gather useful insights.
  2. Know Your Audience: Understanding your target audience is key. Identify who will be using your product based on factors like age, gender, interests, and experience. Testing with participants that represent your audience will give you more relevant feedback.
  3. Create Realistic Test Scenarios: Design test scenarios that reflect real-life user actions. Cover different parts of the user journey to get a full picture. This helps participants interact naturally with your product, giving you more accurate results.
  4. Choose the Right Testing Method: Pick the best testing method for your needs. You can choose from in-person or remote testing and moderated or unmoderated sessions. Each has its advantages, depending on your goals and resources.
  5. Write a Clear Test Script: Prepare a script to guide participants through the test. It should include a friendly introduction, clear instructions for each task, and questions to encourage helpful feedback. Practice the script beforehand to make the session run smoothly.
  6. Run the Test: During the test, pay close attention to how participants interact with your product. Take notes on what they say and do, as well as their facial expressions. Encourage them to think out loud so you can understand their thought process.
  7. Analyze the Results: After the test, review the data you collected. Look for patterns, common issues, and positive experiences. Using charts or graphs can help you make sense of the data and make better decisions moving forward.
  8. Share Your Findings: Present the results to your team, including designers, developers, and decision-makers. Work together to develop solutions based on the feedback. Getting input from everyone helps improve the user experience.
  9. Make Changes and Keep Testing: Use the feedback to improve your product. Focus on improvements that will have the biggest impact on user satisfaction. Remember, user testing is an ongoing process, and continuous improvements will help you stay ahead.

The Benefits of Creating a Usability Checklist

Following a clear process for usability testing has many advantages, and having a plan in place can make the whole experience smoother and more effective.

  • Guides the Testing Process: A usability checklist helps outline what needs to do. It reduces the mental effort required during the testing. It also keeps the entire team aligned and focused, making sure everyone knows their role.
  • Helps Identify Problems Early: Having a plan helps you anticipate and address potential issues before they happen. Instead of scrambling for solutions during the test, you’ll have a clearer idea of how things will be managed.
  • Fits Into Product Development: Usability testing should work seamlessly with other stages of product development. A well-thought-out plan helps integrate smoothly with other research and development activities.
  • Leads to Better Results: A planned usability test with clear goals and methods delivers more reliable and useful results. With a plan to guide you, you can focus on conducting the test rather than worrying about logistics.

Best Practices for Creating a Usability Test Plan

When planning usability tests, following some best practices is important to ensure your research is ethical, effective, and runs smoothly. These tips can help you gather useful insights and stay on track:

  • Embrace diversity and inclusivity: Make sure your participants come from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities. This ensures the feedback you collect reflects different opinions and experiences, which leads to a more well-rounded product.
  • Get participant consent: Always ask participants for their permission, whether you’re recording them or storing their data. Consent is key for ethical research.
  • Keep tests short and engaging: Usability tests work best when participants stay focused. The longer the test, the more likely their attention will drift, which can lead to less reliable insights. Aim for no more than eight tasks to keep them engaged.
  • Do a trial run: Just like a dress rehearsal for a play, testing your usability plan with a colleague can help you catch any issues before the real test. This way, everything will go more smoothly when it counts.


User testing is essential for creating a great user experience to make your website or product stand out. By using our usability testing checklist, you can collect useful feedback and make informed decisions to improve your online presence. If you need help conducting these tests, any support is valuable. We hope our checklists have been helpful.

6 Types of User Feedback for Effective Usability Testing