UX–or user experience–research is a method employed to learn more about the needs, expectations, and purchase habits of the target audience for any product. It helps to effectively create a product that would essentially be the “perfect buy” for potential customers. To make a product that sells, the main notion behind developing it should be based on the ideas of the client and not the manufacturer or UX designer. UX research encompasses everything from evaluating consumer needs, and demands that have been met and devising marketing strategies to prototype usability testing and perfecting product manufacture.
Types of UX research
UX research can either be qualitative or quantitative.
Qualitative UX research focuses on understanding the “how” or “why” surrounding product users, specifically how they interact with a potential buy or why they want the product to deliver on a particular front. This evaluation is done via observations, discussions with the users, or prototype usability testing.
Quantitative UX research analyzes user experience by gathering and evaluating statistics and data points. It evaluates how many people responded more to a particular ad or marketing strategy, which device feature attracted more users, etc.
Why is UX research important?
UX research can also help detect the unmet needs of the audience and help UX designers develop products that fulfill them. It helps to identify the target audience for the product. In order to make the most out of the UX research, establishing a medium of effective communication between the UX researcher and consumer is very important. The stronger that communication is, the better they’ll be able to convey their problems and needs.
What is UX design? Why is UX research relevant to UX design?
Based on data acquired from UX research, companies devise a UX design process. This is the development of the user interface between the users and the product or digital site such that it would encourage a healthy interaction. A good UX design helps in creating a strong image of the product in the consumer market. For this, conducting an effective UX research plays a pivotal role. In order to build a successful business, developing a good UX design is imperative. The client needs and outlook should be kept as the foundation while introducing a product. This requires thorough UX research and construction of a UX design that attracts an audience. UX design requires an understanding of the clients and their point of views. It is also constantly evolving according to the user feedback and new trends that surface over time. It helps in creating a balance between what the consumer wants in a product and what the developer has to offer. If a good UX design isn’t developed, no matter how good of a product it is, it won’t be of any use in creating sales since it’ll fail to attract an audience.
Prototyping & prototype usability testing
A prototype essentially tests the product and helps UX designers receive feedback on it before it is sent for mass manufacture or released. It helps to recognize which part might not be practical when using the product and any bugs if present in the apps can be identified. Any issues faced can be timely resolved by utilizing data from prototype usability testing.
How do UX research and prototype usability testing relate?
Prototype usability testing is a key component of UX research. This helps in detecting and fixing any problems in the prototype in a timely manner. Utilizing UX research and prototype usability testing can help evaluate how much a product or any new feature being introduced will easily integrate into the everyday life of the consumer. Prototype usability testing checks the functioning, style and configuration, and reviews the marketing strategies and business plans before publicly launching the product.
This is much more cost effective as opposed to any errors detected in the product post-production, which could be met with great loss and be difficult to correct. A population of sample users is selected who then use the prototype and give their feedback on whether the service is easily accessible, delivers on multiple fronts, and is easy to use or not. Based on this, the user-friendliness and overall performance of the prototype are evaluated.
Why you need to conduct prototype usability testing
This helps inform team discussions and reviews of the blueprint and core product UX design. These are followed by working on improvements and rebuilding an improved version of the model. Prototype usability testing focuses on identifying the grey areas of client interactions with the product so that they can be fixed. It’s important to know what the customer thinks about the service and if they think there’s any other similar product offering better incentives and creating competition.
So by employing both UX research, which would evaluate what the audience is looking for in a product, and prototype usability testing, which makes sure that the developed service delivers, manufacturers can essentially create something that would attract an audience. Pair this with a good UX design. That would help create a friendly user interface and user experience, and the product will mark its presence in the consumer market.