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UX researcher vs UX designer: Same or different?

User testing


Many businesses do not have different experts for UX research and UX design. In a small business, a single person or a group performs both tasks, but it is still essential to understand why UX researchers and UX designers are different. Both these professions have different roles in enhancing the user experience. If you fail to accurately implement UX design and UX research tasks, it will have a negative impact on your website’s traffic and customer engagement.

UX researcher

While designing the interface of the project, a UX researcher should have adequate knowledge about the market. Furthermore, they should know the behavior of the target audience, how products impact their decisions and lifestyle, and why the product excites them. Considering all these insights, a UX researcher can predict the success of the website and solutions to improve the design. UX researchers find the answer to the questions, thereby improving the quality of the website. They conduct research and analyze user behavior. Moreover, through data-driven insights, they help developers improve the website interface. The main goal of a UX researcher is to generate valuable insights and help the team develop a website according to the audience’s requirements. Businesses can improve their website through various UX research methods. Here are some research methods that a user researcher will use:

UX Designer

A UX designer uses various tools and techniques to create a user-friendly interface. Their goal is to keep the interface flexible and easily accessible for the audience. They contribute to increase user traffic and engage the target audience. A UX designer has a complete understanding of the target market and knowledge of customers’ preferences. They use the research findings of the UX researcher and improve the UX design of the website. UX researchers gather the data about customer behavior and find answers for the UX designer to implement.

The UX design includes the user interface or UI development. By implementing techniques and methods to improve UI, designers improve the website’s presentation. However, implementing methods to improve UX design will enhance the overall user experience. A UX designer focuses on all the components of UX design, including the user interface. Here are some components of UI development:

  • Interaction design
  • Information architecture
  • Wireframe
  • Usability


A UX designer’s main task is to develop a user-friendly website after gathering insights from a UX researcher. On the other hand, a UX researcher will gather valuable data so UX designers can understand customers’ behavior and make necessary adjustments to the interface.

UX research is the initial step towards developing an application or a product. Before designing the tool, it is essential to understand the target audience. Through initial research, you can gauge the audience’s motivation towards a product. But, a problem arises when a UX designer is responsible for researching as well. As researching takes up a lot of time and precious resources, a UX designer cannot efficiently perform the researching tasks. Therefore, large companies have different teams for UX researches and UX designers.


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