How to prepare your UX portfolio: importance and format - Trymata

How to prepare your UX portfolio: importance and format

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The following is a guest post by Cherryl Pereira, Head of Content at Chisel Labs

These days UX portfolios are the new bane for any UX designer. Recruiters and hiring managers actively seek the most appropriate kind of portfolio to ratchet up their journey to product success.

Organizations and companies are keen on hiring people who can provide them with a cutting-edge interface through which customers’ demands can be met.

Businesses also look for designers who have exceptional skills such as wireframing, prototyping, or even design thinking.

There is no doubt that UX portfolios equip designers with a platform where they can show their design work and design thinking towards product excellence. However, whether designers will be able to successfully convey their skills is what remains doubtful in many cases.

It can be sometimes tricky and overwhelming to come up with the perfect UX portfolio to get hired.

We will clear up some of the qualms and confusion regarding the UX portfolio and also guide you through the process of adroitly coming up with the same.

In this article, we will throw some light and elucidate upon:


What is the importance of a UX portfolio?
Choosing the correct UX portfolio format
Preparing your UX portfolio


What is the importance of a UX portfolio?

There are many benefits of UX portfolios, both from the point of view of the designers and the recruiters. UX portfolios can encourage designers to think more principle-oriented.

It provides a platform to designers for intrepid ideation which otherwise might not be possible due to the restraining nature of projects.

UX designers are supposed to be excellent communicators, presenting their design work with eloquence requires UX portfolio samples.

UX portfolios should be able to communicate the designer’s creative thinking and knowledge of principles through well-thought UI designs which are both aesthetic as well as functional. Clarity in the thought process is mandatory for showcasing abilities.

In the following section, let’s discuss a few of the advantages briefly.


The advantages of a UX portfolio?

  1. UX portfolios enable the designer to stand out and simultaneously cater to the recruiters to segregate the application of the apt candidate.

If a UX portfolio is not available to the candidate, the recruiter would have difficulty deciding whether they want to take projects from you or not based on their existing projects.

When the UX professional’s project is already available in his UX portfolio, the recruiter can then decide accordingly. If your UX portfolio is impressive enough, they might just pick you up for their team. UX portfolios enable professionals to differentiate themselves from others by presenting their work in an attractive way that will naturally catch anyone’s eye.

  1. UX skills and proficiencies can be demonstrated through work examples that showcase your capabilities and knowledge within the UX domain. Since you need to convince recruiters or hiring managers about having an expert professional, you must know how to best convey your expertise with some proper UX resume samples.
  2. UX certification when candidates have some kind of certification from a reputed university, their profile becomes more respectable compared to others who do not have it. A UX certification helps professionals to become users and UX specialists. That is why make sure to showcase your certification in the portfolio.
  3. A well-made UX portfolio can present a vivid picture for the recruiters which can ease the process of the interview and help users to get the job easily.


Choosing the correct UX portfolio format 

Your portfolio is a reflection of your skill, and that is why it requires a lot of details. It should be reflected clearly without pretense.

There are different kinds of formats that you can use depending on your choice, recruiters’ demands, etc.

The most common types are:

  1. Paper-based Portfolio: This is a physical portfolio that is usually brought to the interview or meeting. It usually consists of your resume, cover letter, work samples, and any other supporting documents.
  2. Electronic/Digital Portfolio: This is a virtual portfolio that can be viewed online. It usually contains your resume, work samples, contact information, and links to your social media profiles.
  3. Video Portfolio: This is a portfolio that contains videos of you discussing your work and experience.
  4. Website Portfolio: This is a website that contains all your information such as resume, work samples, contact information, and so on.
  5. Interactive Portfolio: This is a portfolio that includes a link to an interactive website where you can provide specifics about your work experience.


Preparing your UX portfolio

UX portfolios can be evaluated by both types of stakeholders: UX professionals and recruiters. While recruiters tend towards taking up positions that look into immediate growth and returns, UX professionals are more interested in long-term opportunities with potential scope for growth and development.

Now that we know the importance and various formats of a UX portfolio, let’s learn how to prepare one well. When creating a digital portfolio, there are three things to keep in mind: quality, content, and presentation.

  1. Showcase your work, content, and all the extra gigs which will help you in the format of your UX portfolio.

A UX portfolio is not just about your work experience, it is also about the skills that you have. So be sure to showcase all of your skills and extras such as awards, volunteer work, and licenses.

When showcasing your work, be sure to include a variety of different types of projects. This can include everything from small user studies to complete redesigns. If you have any case studies or user feedback, be sure to include them as well.

  1. Quality over quantity.

It is always better to showcase less, higher-quality content rather than lots of sub-par content. When creating your portfolio, take the time to make sure all of your work is professional.

  1. Introduce yourself well and provide details of your work, but always make room for interviews.

Introducing yourself is key to making a good first impression. In your portfolio, be sure to include a brief bio that talks about your experience and what you’re currently working on.

If you have any articles or blog posts written about UX, be sure to include them as well.

  1. Supplement your case study with notes, and don’t just focus on outcomes.

Your case study or client testimonial should tell a story that takes the reader through your design process.

Be sure to include any user insights you collected, what problems you were trying to solve for users, and how you proposed solving them with wireframes, sketches, personas, and so on.

  1. To deal with a non-disclosure agreement, Try to prepare your story succinctly and not be too verbose.

Nothing kills a potential portfolio more than heavily worded documents and works. That is why it’s important to keep it simple, straight, and most importantly to the point.

  1. Research and conduct user testing on your portfolio to make it more appealing.

Your portfolio is a reflection of your skills and experience as a UX designer. Make sure to research the latest trends in UX design and conduct user testing on your portfolio to make it more appealing to potential employers.

  1. Get involved in the UX community.

The UX community is a great resource for networking, learning about new trends, and finding job opportunities. Get involved in the UX community by attending UX events, participating in online discussions, and subscribing to UX newsletters.

  1. Invest quality time, money, and resources into your portfolio, to make it stand out.

Your portfolio is your chance to make a great first impression and stand out from the competition. Make sure to invest quality time, money, and resources into creating an effective UX portfolio that showcases your skills and experience.

  1. Be innovative and creative, this will help you catch attention.

Don’t be afraid to stand out from the design crowd. Employers are always looking for different designers with fresh ideas who are willing to think outside the box. Be innovative, creative, and bold when designing your UX portfolio. You want it to make an impression.

  1. Don’t ignore this opportunity to communicate your passion for UX.

Your UX portfolio is a great platform for you to communicate your passion for UX. Make sure yours stands out by including high-quality visuals that show off your best work. Just remember not to overcrowd them or it won’t have much impact at all.

  1. Keep your UX portfolio current.

Make sure that you keep your UX portfolio up-to-date as you continue working on new projects. This will help to ensure that potential employers can see the most recent examples of your work. If you’re not sure where to start, take a look at our guide on how to update your UX portfolio.

  1. Use a UX portfolio template.

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to create a UX portfolio, why not try using a UX portfolio template? This can help to speed up the design process and make it easier for you to get your work online.

  1. Make use of social media.

Social media can be a great way to showcase your work to a wider audience. Make sure that you set up profiles on sites like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Behance, and post links to your UX portfolios on there. This will help to increase your exposure and attract potential employers.



A well-made portfolio will always be an asset for you and provide you with an edge over competitors.  However, remember that it’s not the only thing you need to ace interviews.

If you want your desired UX job, you have to show what you can do and how you can be an asset to the company.

Invest in your portfolio, dig into details, research as much as you can, and most importantly continuously hone your skills.

That’s it you are all set to be successful in the world of UX.


Cherryl Pereira is standing in front of a bush with white flowers. She is smiling, and her hair is down, partially covering her red outfitCherryl Pereira is the Head of Content at Chisel. Chisel Labs is a premiere agile product management software company that brings together roadmapping, team alignment, and customer connection.



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