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UX research questions and best practices



User research enables you to comprehend customer behavior. These tools also offer solutions to understand the needs, preferences, motivations, interactions, and wants of the target audience through your products and services.

You can generate valuable insights by following various market research techniques, such as task analysis, observation, and obtaining customer feedback directly. You can collect important insights by taking interviews and enhancing the user experience quality.

Best practice for UX research

When performing UX Research, you need a user group that is willing to contribute. Here are some best practices you should consider while using user research technique:

  • Ask relevant questions and ensure that the questions are clear. They should be relevant to the topic and open-ended.
  • Choose the right amount of people in the group. The group should not be big, so users get enough chance to speak. It should not be too small that it does not include different perspectives. A good group will include three to six users.
  • The focus group should be for a short period. Ninety minutes are enough to ask the questions. You can cover three to five topics within the time limit.

User research allows you to uncover users’ needs instead of what they want. The main approach to implement this tool is to solve customers’ problems effectively.

UX research questions

There is no cheat sheet to craft questions for your research. You have to form questions based on your goals. The best direction to head is to understand the customer’s pain. When you are aware of your target audience, and the problems they encounter with similar products, collecting the relevant data becomes easy. Also, keep your questions unbiased and meaningful. Follow these tips to create effective questions:

1. Understand the customer’s problem

Before you start listing down questions, understand the customer’s problem. No matter how many problems you receive, you have to write them all. Now, align the problems according to your priorities and categories.

2. Types of questions for UX research

To write down your questions for the research, maintain the importance of each one of them. These questions are not equal. Ensure that the questions are not biased. Here are some examples of questions for your reference:

  • Good Question

Open-ended questions related to impressions and expectations (For instance, which features do you like the most?)

Task-driven questions for feedback (For instance, how is your experience with the current Banking App?)

Follow-up questions for grading (For instance, what ratings will you give to the application?)

  • Bad Question

Assumptive questions enable users to share positive or negative experiences with the brand. (For instance, what feature do you not like?)

Funneling questions are similar to questions that the detective asks. It revolves around a specific topic and pulls out as much information as it is possible.

Yes or no questions are closed questions. The information that you collect from these questions is not deep. You cannot dive deep into the mindset of the user through these questions.

Leading questions are biased, as they encourage respondents to give the desired answer. (For instance, what additional feature would you like in the product?)


Implementing user research enables you to make a better product or service. UX is subjective, and it helps you understand the goals and needs of potential users. It helps provide a better user experience to customers in the future. Utilize this tool effectively and gain more benefits by making it a habit.



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