Basics of user research resume: advantages & expectations - Trymata
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The following is a guest post by Cherryl Pereira, Head of Content at Chisel Labs

In a world filled with cut-throat competition, standing out can be a difficult task. It can be daunting for anyone to get outrightly rejected over and over again.

The art of writing a perfect resume to hear back from any company is often acquired after several hits and misses over the years.

Well, a career in user research is taking a similar route.

Despite being an emerging field since the industrial revolution 2.0, it has been struggling to get its deserved place amongst other tech fields such as software development and information technology.

This is quite evident from the number of jobs that are available for candidates with expertise in this area itself.

In fact, according to popular sources, there were less than 300 user researcher jobs posted on the site in 2013. But things do not look so bleak for people who have a keen interest in researching users and their behaviors through various mediums.

To save you from the havoc of making a perfect resume after facing several rejections, here we are with the whittled-down list of certain tips and tricks which can significantly beef up the chances of your approval in the user research jobs.

User research is a critical part of product development, and a lot of factors play into this field. But once you get the basics right, you will be good to go.

In this blog, we will throw some light upon:

Basics and advantages of your user research resume

What are the possible expectations of the recruiters?

Our top ways to create an impressive user research resume

Final words


Basics and advantages of your user research resume

Writing about user research on a resume can be tricky, as it is important to focus on the user rather than on the methods or tools you have used for research.

When constructing a user research resume, always remember that your experience as a researcher is more important than the specific projects you have undertaken.

So make sure to showcase all of your skills and highlight your successes in engaging with and understanding users.

To make your resume easily readable and scannable, use headings, bullets, and short paragraphs to break up the text. And if you are targeting a certain job opening, don’t forget to tweak the content to match the keywords mentioned in the job listing.

Your user research resume should perspicuously reflect your skill sets in a way that perfectly lures away the recruiters.

Your resume will be the first impression and hence hold immense importance. It should not just consist of mechanically put methodologies and keywords but should also reflect a fascinating story. It should leave an impact.

Below we have enlisted a few key reasons as to why your user research resume is so important:


Applicant’s point of view:

  1. User research resume helps in enlisting all of the past experiences, accomplishments, and other skills of the applicant: This document puts your skills, experience, and qualifications in front of the recruiter, making it easier for them to see what you have to offer.
  2. It aids in establishing an impactful first impression: A user research resume enables an applicant to establish a strong impression about their background which can help in propelling them to the next level.
  3. It increases the chances of you getting a job: A well-made user research resume increases the chances of an individual landing a job, as recruiters can see what they bring to the table.
  4. User research resumes help in getting your foot in the door: Your resume will be one amongst many, so you need to make sure that it stands out. A well-written user research resume will show that you are passionate about user research and have the skills required for the role.
  5. It helps you market yourself better: User research resumes help candidates to market themselves better by showcasing their skills, experience, and achievements related to user research. This makes it easier for recruiters to understand what you can bring to the table.


Recruiter’s point of view:

  1. User research resumes help in filtering out the bunch of well-suited candidates: Recruiters can now hire the right people, as they have a strong pool of candidates to choose from. It helps them save time that would otherwise be spent in shortlisting and possibly interviewing unqualified candidates.
  2. Recruiters can now look for specific profiles: User research resumes help recruiters to search and find well-suited profiles within a role. They can look for specific skills and traits which they feel are important for the role.
  3. It helps in saving the recruiters time: When recruiters hire the right people, it saves them time that would otherwise be spent in shortlisting and interviewing unqualified candidates.
  4. It increases the number of referrals: users are likely to refer to someone they know well enough. Thus, if you mention your colleague’s name in your user research cover letter, there is a good chance that he/she will get an interview call.
  5. The recruiter can easily scan through the resumes and identify the ones that are relevant for the position: With a well-written resume, the recruiter can easily identify the skills that are required for the position and thus shortlist relevant candidates.
  6. From the perspective of the potential employer, a resume is an opportunity to learn more about the applicant: It tells them about your skills, experience, and how you can be an asset to their organization. Hence, you must highlight all the relevant information in your user research resume.


What are the possible expectations of the recruiters?

To succeed in any interview it is rudimentary to study and have a fair knowledge of the possible expectations of the recruiters.

The best way to do that is to read and discern the job title, concomitant responsibilities and various other related bits.

There is no way we can give you a set consolidated list of the possible expectations of the recruiters, however, erudition in the field has led us to make a list of some of the most popular and practical expectations.

Various websites and personal interviews can also aid in understanding the possible expectations through user feedback.

First and foremost, your resume should be user-centric. This means that it would be centered around the users and their needs rather than on the methods or tools you have used for research.

When constructing a user research resume, always remember that your experience as a researcher is more important than the specific projects you have undertaken.

So, make sure to showcase all of your skills and highlight your successes in engaging with and understanding users.

To make your resume easily readable and scannable, use headings, bullets, and short paragraphs to break up the text. And if you are targeting a certain job opening, don’t forget to tweak the content accordingly.

The candidate ought to have an overall knowledge of how they can be an asset to the organization. It is also necessary that one focuses on mentioning all the qualities one possesses, why they are relevant and how they can help him/her excel at work and be successful in life.


user research resume laptop plant

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Some of the major points that your resume should cover are:

  1. Your approach to user research.
  2. The way you integrate with the team.
  3. Your experience in user research and what you have learned from it.
  4. An understanding of the product, its users and their problems, and how user research can help there.
  5. Your research skills and how you applied them in the past.
  6. The quality of your reports and presentations.
  7. The tools you are familiar with and how comfortable you are using them.
  8. And lastly, your communication skills.


Our top ways to create an impressive user research resume

Now that you know the importance of a user research resume and the possible expectations of the recruiters.

Let’s quickly prepare you to slay your interview and make an impactful resume.


1. Start your user research resume with a bang

Your user research resume should open with a statement that will hook the recruiter and make them want to read more. Make sure that your experience and qualifications are well represented here.


2. Be specific

When listing your skills, be specific in showcasing how you can help the team and the product. Quantify your experience whenever possible and give concrete examples of what you have done in the past.


3. Tailor your user research resume to the job

The recruiter should be able to see that you have put in the effort to tailor your resume according to the job opening. Highlight relevant experiences and skills that match what they are looking for.


4. Use keywords in your user research resume

Make sure to use the correct keywords in your resume. This will help the recruiter find you in their system and increase your chances of being selected for an interview.


5. Keep your user research resume concise

Your resume should be easy to read and concise. Stick to one page if possible and use clear and concise language.


6. Use a professional format in your user research resume

Present your information in a neat and organized manner using a professional format. This will make it easier for the recruiter to scan through your resume quickly.

The formatting of your user research resume is equally important as the content itself. Make sure that you use an easy-to-read font size and style. Also, use appropriate headings and subheadings to divide the different sections of your resume. This will help the reader to scan through your resume quickly and extract the required information easily.


7. Write down your objectives

Make sure to list your objectives and goals on your resume. This will let the recruiter know more about you.


8. List your skills

Use bullet points to list your work experiences, achievements, and skills that you have acquired through each job or internship. This will make it easier for the recruiter to read through quickly and select a candidate that meets their criteria.


9. List your past accomplishments and jobs

Make sure to list your past accomplishments and jobs on your resume. This will show the recruiter how good you are at what you are applying for.


10. Be honest

Do not lie or stretch the truth to make yourself look better. The recruiter will likely find out and this could ruin your chances of being hired. Instead, be truthful and showcase your strengths in a positive light.


11. Express clarity of thought

The first thing which you need to understand is the fact that a user research resume should be written in a way to underline your clarity of thought. You need to ensure that it reflects well upon you and makes the reader mark out your ability to think logically and analytically.


12. Be precise

Preciseness is very much vital to summarize all your information into precise points or bullets so that they do not look unorganized or unstructured rather make sure they appear beautifully structured with perfect use of grammar and syntax.


13. Language

Your user research resume language should be effective, lucid, and precise. You must make sure that it is understandable to the reader without any ambiguity so that he can assess your profile in a better way. Try to avoid using jargon or technical terms which might create confusion in the mind of the hiring manager.


14. The right tone

The tone of your user research resume must be such that it impresses the reader right from the beginning. You need to show that you are an enthusiastic individual who is genuinely interested in this profession and has all the potential to excel in it. Be very careful while drafting your objective statement and make sure that it reflects your true personality without sounding too boastful or arrogant.


15. Use of statistics

It is always a good idea to use relevant statistics in your resume to support your claims. This will help the hiring manager to understand the magnitude of your work and also appreciate your efforts in a better way. However, make sure that the statistics you mention are reliable and accurate.


Final words

User research resume is a crucial part of the hiring process and that is why making it efficiently can substantially increase your chances of getting hired.

It is important to incorporate the aforementioned tips and tricks.

Be confident and slay the day.


Cherryl Pereira is standing in front of a bush with white flowers. She is smiling, and her hair is down, partially covering her red outfitCherryl Pereira is the Head of Content at Chisel. Chisel Labs is a premiere agile product management software company that brings together roadmapping, team alignment, and customer connection.



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