How roadmaps can improve user experience - Trymata
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The following is a guest post by Noah Levy of Chisel.

A roadmap is a strategic outline of what goals need to be accomplished and the major milestones needed to accomplish those goals. Not only can it help your business grow, but it can also improve the user experience of your product.

If you are unsure about whether your team needs a roadmap for user experience, don’t worry.

This blog post will go over some of the basics of roadmaps and how they can benefit businesses and UX in various ways.

What Is a Roadmap?
What Is Not a Roadmap?
Why Are Roadmaps Important?
Who Needs a Roadmap?
What Are the Different Levels of a Roadmap?
What Are Some Benefits of a Roadmap?
What Are Some of the Challenges of a Roadmap?


What is a roadmap?

A roadmap is a visual representation of objectives or tasks grouped together by priority with an indication of how they will contribute towards reaching the desired goal(s). The purpose of a roadmap is to communicate the plan through stated goals to both employees and stakeholders.

It shows that there is a bigger picture behind all of this: we’re not working in isolation but as part of something much larger than ourselves. This makes it easier for all parties to see what needs to be done and why.

A roadmap is crucial because it provides a sense of clarity and direction to all those involved, as well as showing progress over time.


What is not a roadmap?

A roadmap is not the following :

  • A roadmap is not a mere list of features because it doesn’t provide a sense of direction.
  • A roadmap is not an infographic because it gives more detail and structure to plans than just pictures, graphs, or videos.
  • A roadmap is not a project plan, which tracks progress over time because it will give you a view of the bigger picture. A roadmap is supposed to be holistic, that’s why it makes sense for everyone involved to work towards one goal collaboratively.
  • A roadmap is not a backlog because it is more about showing what has been done and what is to come. It is a communication tool because it provides direction, project plan, goals with milestones that need to be completed for the business to progress.
  • A roadmap is not an inventory of what needs to be done and where it fits into your business strategy. Instead, it is the logical plan of the steps that you need to take for your business to achieve its goals.
  • A roadmap is not a to-do list because it’s more about prioritizing needs than following deadlines. A roadmap should have milestones with interim targets so everyone involved can see how far they are from their goal and what has been done so far.
  • A roadmap is not a management tracker because it doesn’t keep track of who is doing what. Instead, it focuses on the concept of delivering value to customers by developing products that they will love to help them reach their goals. It also helps you identify opportunities within your business plan so that you can take advantage of new markets or technologies if necessary.
  • A roadmap is not a timeline either, because it’s less rigid than that. Timelines are useful for setting start and end dates of your project phases or milestones, but the nature of business means things don’t always go as planned.

A successful roadmap takes into account external factors like market changes, government regulations, company mergers, and acquisitions.


Why are roadmaps important?

Roadmaps can help give direction for business growth by setting out what needs to be done, how it will benefit everyone involved in achieving that goal, when each task is due or should have been completed, who is responsible for completing the task(s), and the timeframes involved in completing each task.

Roadmaps can be used to break down large goals into smaller, manageable tasks that are more likely to be completed on schedule.

A roadmap’s benefits are not limited to the company or organization level. They also benefit you as an individual because it shows how your role fits into the bigger picture. You will know exactly what is expected from you in order to keep the business running smoothly and be able to work better with your team.


Who needs a roadmap?

A roadmap isn’t just for CEOs or other senior managers – they should also involve employees at every level of the organization.

A roadmap is great for startups because it can help with prioritization and keep everyone on track with their responsibilities toward achieving business goals, especially when there are limited resources available to handle multiple tasks at once. A roadmap also allows employees involved in each stage of a project or initiative to have input in what needs to be done next.

Every business has different needs, so it’s important to have a roadmap that best fits your company culture and the way your team works. For example, some companies will need more detailed roadmaps with daily or weekly tasks while others are satisfied with yearly milestones alone. A good place to start is by creating at least three levels of roadmaps – a long-term plan, a mid-range one, and a short-term one.

The different levels of the roadmap are designed to help you create milestones for short, mid-range, and long-term goals. You can also include deadlines in each milestone so that there is a clear picture of what needs to be done by when. This will make it easier to accomplish tasks without any bottlenecking or falling behind on the timeline.


What are the different levels of a roadmap?

There are three different levels of roadmaps. They are:

  • Long-term roadmaps: These are your overall goals that need to be accomplished. It is important to aim high with what you want the company to achieve in three years or more because it will help everyone work towards a common goal and direction. Note that long-term roadmaps are not written for one year. They are designed for much longer periods.
  • Mid-term roadmaps: This is the next step, where you have broken down your long-term goals into short-term goals with milestones that need to be accomplished within a year or less. The mid-term roadmap will help everyone see what needs to be done by when and how it contributes towards the overall goal of the company in three years. This is the plan that typically will be used by executives or managers.
  • Short-term roadmaps: This can be thought of as a monthly or quarterly roadmap that will help the company reach its goals in the next six months to one-year period. It is important not to make this roadmap too detailed, but it should still include clear milestones and timelines for what needs to be done by when so everyone knows what they are responsible for.


What are some benefits of a roadmap?

A roadmap can help you set up deadlines, milestones, and goals for your future projects without any problem because you have a clear picture of the steps needed to achieve them. You will also find it much easier to delegate tasks to other members of your team because you already know what has to be done.

This will make it easier to accomplish tasks without any bottlenecking or falling behind on the timeline, which can cause serious problems and set your company behind schedule, which you’ll want to avoid at all costs.

A roadmap can be extremely useful when it comes to setting up a timeline of events for each task you need to get done because this will make sure that nothing gets missed or overlooked.


Another benefit is the fact that a roadmap helps with delegation, as mentioned above. This means that you will have a clear idea of what needs to be done by whom, so it is easy for managers to send tasks down the pipeline and get things moving in an efficient manner.

A roadmap can also help with communication among employees because everyone knows exactly where they are on their projects, which helps them stay on task while keeping themselves and others accountable for what they need to do. In other words, it helps keep everyone on the same page while at the same time tracking their progress and holding them accountable for the work that is assigned to them.

This will also help with future planning by allowing your company and employees to see exactly where things are going instead of having a hazy idea about the goals that have been set in place. This is just one aspect of how roadmaps benefit business growth through communication and accountability, but there are many more.


A roadmap provides a path for business growth. This is why so many companies use roadmaps to keep track of their goals and objectives, stay on task with what needs to be accomplished, communicate effectively within the company, and plan ahead for future initiatives.

They help businesses grow by keeping everyone informed about where things are going instead of having a hazy idea about the goals that have been set in place. This is just one aspect of how roadmaps benefit business growth through communication and accountability, but there are many more.

A roadmap can be created for this initiative and include steps such as creating an email drip marketing campaign or adding more information on landing pages to lead people down the conversion funnel. When milestones are met along the way, it will help everyone involved know when they should expect to see the change in numbers. If you are setting up a career path plan, it can be beneficial to map out your objectives for each year and what you want to accomplish by certain milestones.

A roadmap also gives everyone involved visibility into the company’s strategy which encourages transparency throughout an organization. By including team members in creating roadmaps, it will help them feel like they are a part of the company and also give visibility to what team members should be doing to contribute towards their common goal.


What are some of the challenges while making a roadmap?

A roadmap can be an effective tool for growth but challenges can arise if they aren’t used correctly.

When a roadmap is created, it is important to keep in mind what the goal of your business is so that you don’t lose track of where the company needs to go and focus on something else instead.

Remember that roadmaps help achieve goals and deliver the promised value but are not expected to create new or unplanned opportunities.

It can be difficult for employees if they aren’t familiar with roadmaps so it is important to train them on how it works when creating one within your business.

Another challenge of a roadmap is that it is not easy to put together. There are many things that need to be considered when creating one such as what milestones need to happen for this product or goal, how long each step will take, and if the steps should go in a specific order.

Roadmaps can also change over time depending on market conditions, new information about the product, and other opportunities that may come along.

Though it is clear that the benefits of a roadmap outweigh its challenges, it is nevertheless crucial to be mindful and carefully tackle them when the need arises.



Knowing the basics of the content roadmap is your first step towards improving user experience. To learn more about how to build product roadmaps, what are their key parts, and what are the best practices one must follow, click here.


Noah Levy is the Head of Growth and blog author at Chisel. Chisel is the premiere agile product management software that brings together roadmapping, team alignment, and customer connection.


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