How to expand your audience through moderated testing - Trymata
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There are extensive methods and techniques to expand your business audience. One way is to ensure the delivery of optimal services and product experience that can enhance the meaningfulness to the user. In simple words, moderated testing encompasses the use of advance criteria and techniques to improve user experience through usability testing.


Discussing moderated usability testing

Moderated usability testing involves the provision of a specific set of tasks to every test participants which they perform to experience an app or product such as a website. Participants provide feedback and the level of clarity and satisfaction that they received accordingly.

This helps in determining the success of a new or updated product or services. For instance, you may request a test participant to use the navigation and contacting features on the website. Or perhaps, you may require the participant to go through a signup process.

This allows the detection of any hidden pitfalls or user inaccessibility that may arise initially. Later, you are able to rectify such errors and potential problems with the help of moderators who are able to guide and clarify the problems to the test participants.


How to expand your audience

Moderators – trust and understanding

A trained moderator or facilitator is always available in moderated usability testing. They provide help and guidance to the participants in case of any ambiguity and concern. Therefore, trust and relations build which suggest loyalty to the business.

Moderators help the participants move along the streamlined criteria in the processes to achieve effective results and feedback. Hence, better understanding of the products and the business itself on the end of participants who are also potential customers.

This can promote a good word of mouth that may attract new visitors, users, and clients to a business.


User experience research and user experience improvement

By probing the meaningful and important aspects of your product or service, you are able to learn how the users interact with it. Over that, you learn the behavioral patterns of customers and why they react with the product the way they do. This allows you to judge better and work towards better user experience. And when you provide better user experience, you attract more audience for your product through reviews, feedback, and fruitful assessments.


Improving accessibility and inclusivity

By learning the potential pitfalls, you are also able to fix the problems in due time. This prevents any backlash from the product introduction itself. For example, learning the problems and disabilities of your website before launch can help in correcting those issues to ensure higher user experience and meaningfulness.



Conclusively, it is vital to note that only careful planning, use of best methods, and effective techniques will make moderated testing useful to your company or product. It is not only a way to assess the failures in your new product but a way to increase the user experience to the utmost level.


Sweta Patel


Sweta manages omni-channel marketing at TryMyUI and has previously worked as a Startup Growth Advisor for Plug and Play Center and 500Startups.



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By Sweta Patel

Sweta manages omni-channel marketing at TryMyUI and has previously worked as a Startup Growth Advisor for Plug and Play Center and 500Startups.