Looking ahead for TryMyUI + Stitchology - Trymata
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As we recently shared, we have acquired Stitchology.ai, a robust session recording and web analytics platform that blows Google Analytics and Hotjar out of the water. By acquiring this tool, we have been able to create a platform that sheds light on the full user journey. Our platform gets to the nitty gritty about your website’s full digital experience. We are excited to be the premier tool and leading platform in the digital experience space, as well as the only tool that provides end to end insights on your customer’s journey. But what’s next for TryMyUI + Stitchology? Let’s get into it!


What’s up with TryMyUI + Stitchology?

With the acquisition, we have been able to roll out a new set of products that have an end-to-end view of the customer’s digital experience. We are providing data that shows you the answers to your questions about where the key issues are with your user experience and what to conduct usability testing on. From there, you can use usability testing to uncover why those issues exist. UX designers can fix them, and your business will see product-led revenue growth from there. These two tools are effectively closing the UX research loop and giving UX teams a complete picture of what’s going on with their user interface.


Key features of TryMyUI

While many of our customers are familiar with TryMyUI, for those of you that are new here, we’d like to share some key features that set us apart from the competition.


  • Demographic curation

Our database of thousands of testers is demographically curated to allow you to hone in on your exact target user and get the most relevant feedback for your application. Filter for traits such as gender, age, country of residence, household income, education level, employment type, family status, community type, and social networks usage to get testers like your customers.


  • UX Diagnostics

tmui ux diagnostics screenshots


TryMyUI’s quantitative UX Diagnostics are a complement to the qualitative feedback of the user videos and written responses. Measure your product’s overall usability with psychometrics, and map usability fluctuations along the user’s journey with task usability scores, task completion rates, and task duration data.


  • UX Crowd


The UX Crowd is a crowdsourced solution that helps you plan and prioritize your usability fixes with scaled-up insights from large tester pools. Using a weighted voting system, testers indicate their opinions on the best and worst parts of the product, creating a sorted diagnosis list that clarifies at a glance what your next steps should be.


  • Video annotations & highlight reels


Create annotations with timestamps and sortable tags to bookmark the “aha” moments in your user videos. Annotations are visible to every team member, so anyone can jump to the key video highlights with one click, or quickly grasp the major issues and patterns with a look through the most common tags.

Stitch together key moments from your video results to create a powerful, digestible roundup of your most important findings. Choose your clips, edit the start and end points, and then generate a video you can share with team members, stakeholders, or clients.


Key features of Stitchology

With the addition of Stitchology as a tool on our platform, we have some exciting features that will benefit UX research teams looking to find context for their usability testing plans. Stitchology is what Google Analytics and Hotjar aspire to be, but much better! Here are some key features to improve your data collection and understanding your users’ journey.



  • Page-based insights


Optimize your page performance & increase visitor conversion by unlocking how your visitors are thinking when interacting with specific pages. Get detailed insights about the performance of your webpages, and view the logs of users who visited each page.


  • Visitor logs


Understand exactly how people are interacting with your site with a comprehensive log of all your visitors. See exactly where your visitors are coming from and how they navigate through your site by viewing their actions.


  • Session recording & heat maps

Make quick decisions from visualizing aggregated customer journeys. As a result, you will understand shopper interaction with product media through real-time.


  • Goal tracking


Track certain domain-specific events to add additional intelligence when you’re searching across sessions and creating new user segments.Understand if you are meeting your visitor conversion goals.


The combined power of these tools

Up until now, the information that these two platforms provided was incredibly siloed. You might take data from Stitchology to understand why customers aren’t converting, but that would be the beginning and ending. With TryMyUI, you would set up usability testing to understand what users feel about your interface. However, you would go into testing blindly, not knowing fully where the issues were.

Having these two tools working alongside one another revolutionizes how you conduct UX research and improve your websites.

With these and other features working, we are able to bring a complete picture of digital experience to our users. The data from Stitchology sheds light on what to conduct usability testing. Those test results from TryMyUI will point UX designers to what they need to focus on and why. From there, you are able to check the Stitchology data to make sure those changes worked.

This becomes a complete loop of qualitative and quantitative data that gives you full context on your digital experience. And that leads to revenue and product-led growth in your business.


What’s ahead for TryMyUI + Stitchology?

While we are already dominating the digital experience intelligence space, it is our goal to continue to evolve. With these tools, we believe that we are revolutionizing UX research and eliminating the need for companies to leverage multiple tools to get a full picture of their digital experience.

With our comprehensive web analytics and usability testing suite, you will have a clear view of what patterns exist with your users, why they are happening, and if any fixes made to your user interface are successful changing patterns that impact your revenue. Therefore, this puts us at the forefront of product-led growth.



As a result of our budding partnership, we are able to bring users an end-to-end product that provides full insight on their customer’s journey on their site. With TryMyUI + Stitchology, you will be able to identify WHERE the issues in your UX are and WHY they exist. As a result of our comprehensive web analytics and usability testing platform, you can close the loop on UX research. So what are you waiting for? Book a demo and give TryMyUI + Stitchology a try today!


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