How product analytics and usability testing go hand-in-hand - Trymata
product analytics and usability testing woman around data and statistics

Better usability and digital experience create better products. How exactly does usability testing go hand in hand with product analytics? Usability is something like your cell phone. If your cell phone isn’t easy to use, you will change it and never look back at it again. So, an easy-to-use cell phone means that it is a good product and vice versa.This is a broad example, however. In this blog, we will shed some light on how a pair is formed between product analytics and usability testing to boost the overall output of your website/app.


Usability testing to attract users

Usability testing provides advantage to your website/app in the following ways:

  • People would promote the easy-to-use website in their social media circle. People will not rate a website or app with a choppy homepage or a checkout that lags as highly.
  • To conduct good usability testing, you need to perform UX research essentially. UX research enables you to peek into what people like and helps you to make a website that the people actually want. Maybe your UX designer can add complex transitions that take a lot of effort but aren’t loved by the people using your website/app.
  • Usability testing, if conducted properly, eradicates 99.9% of the mainstream and complex issues on the website.

Irrefutable evidence suggests that usability testing is a great weapon to have in your arsenal. However, it is necessary to know how to use this weapon.


Maximizing usability testing

To extract the maximum out of usability testing, you should know how to perform it accurately to provide an overwhelming digital experience. We have discussed the process below:

The first step in every experiment is deciding what you want to learn from it. When it comes to apps like these, it’s important to know which statistics are the most valuable to the people using them. CRMs may want to know whether their new design makes it easier for salespeople to book deals, much as mobile banking apps may want to know if their users can understand how to place check deposits.


Usability testing goals include:

  • To find out whether participants are capable of doing a job.
  • Keep track of the time it takes for each user to complete a job.
  • Are people pleased with a website or app?
  • Find ways to enhance the product’s functionality.
  • Evaluate if the product is usable for the team.


Describe the procedures in detail: How much time, resources, and people are required to complete the project? How is the digital experience? Even a small number of people may take a long time to test and organize; therefore, most teams seek to do as few user tests as possible.

Experiment: You may conduct usability testing in-person or online, depending on the project’s needs. Cameras focused on the test desktop screen and the user’s nonverbal clues and facial expressions are used by UX researchers while doing in-person testing. Researchers in the field of user experience (UX) conduct one-on-one interviews with customers, inviting them to test out the product in question.


The ultimate team-up: product analytics and usability testing

We have looked at how you can conduct efficient usability testing. The question now is how product analytics and usability testing pair together.

Product analytics give you knowledge about the sales of the products, the number of orders completed, in cue, and canceled. The product analytics also tell you which products are high performing and attract a major portion of traffic to your website. Now, as the last nail in the coffin, this is how product analytics and usability testing match up:

  • A person is lying on his couch, and he searches for a particular product on a particular website. He somehow sees your product listed in the search. He opens it and reads the reviews.
  • If the reviews are positive, he will advance to buy it from your website. However, the product isn’t sold just yet.
  • The game changes when the user sees that the website/app is taking too much time to load. He notices that even after clicking on a certain option repeatedly, the website isn’t responding. He may not be able to find a particular option with ease.

What do you think this person will do? Let us tell you. He will close your app/website and never open it again. He will switch to a different competitor to buy the product that he needs.

  • Product analytics allow you to identify your high-value products.
  • Usability testing pairs up with product analytics to make sure that the usability is simple and easy without any choppy interfaces.
  • Product analytics and usability testing pair up and do the job that is to increase the traffic on your website/app.


The perfect platform for product analytics and usability testing

When it comes to an end-to-end view of the user journey and customer behavior, it’s important to have a platform that can provide both product analytics and usability testing. That is where TryMyUI and Analytics in Stitchology comes in. We are a comprehensive digital experience intelligence suite that answers two questions: WHERE the pain points in your UX design, and WHY those pain points exist.

With Analytics in Stitchology, you can track metrics related to activity on your website. Features, such as page-based insights, session recording, and visitor logs, will show you the customer’s journey and where they may be encountering issues with your UX. From there, you can conduct usability testing through TryMyUI and figure out exactly what is causing those issues, so you UX design team can resolve them. And just like, you have the most accurate view of your website’s user experience and the customer’s digital experience, using product analytics and usability testing.



We have explained how to conduct great usability testing to get the maximum benefit out of it. Product analytics and usability testing go hand-in-hand as one identifies the value products, and the other adds value to your website by providing an easy interface via proper UX research. Additionally, you have a tool that you can use to both collect and analyze data and conduct usability testing. With TryMyUI and Analytics in Stitchology, you are able to get the complete customer journey.


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