Using Kanban to improve software testing - Trymata
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The following is a guest post by Vivek Bhaskaran, cofounder of Chisel.

We live in a world where software is constantly being updated and developed. This means that there is an increasing demand for testing.

However, if you are not using the Kanban method to manage your work – it can be difficult to keep up with the demand. That’s why we have created this blog post on how Kanban can help your company improve its software testing process.

Before we jump into that, it’s important to understand that Kanban is a way of visualizing work that has been broken down into individual tasks. The Kanban Board shows which stages each task is in, what the status of the task is, and how many people are working on it at any given time.

Kanban is a simple and visual way to manage the workflow of your project. Kanban focuses on continuous improvement, transparency in workflows, and reducing bottlenecks by organizing tasks based on importance into categories called “swim lanes” that are color-coded for more clarity about where all these projects stand at any given time.

Chisellabs kanban



Kanban provides us with an easy way to visualize our backlogs as well as progress we have made thus far in order to see what needs attention first or how much closer you’re getting towards completion without having to look through pages upon pages of information; it’s already laid out visually for you!

For example, if there are ten tasks in total for a given sprint (a set period of time), it will show which task has been completed or not progressed at all as well as any outstanding tasks that need attention first so they don’t carry over into future periods. This way we know exactly where our efforts should go next without guessing!


How to use Kanban in Software testing:

Kanban in software testing starts by defining the steps of your workflow. These steps might be more generic, such as “Upcoming” and “Complete,” or function-specific like “Test Plan,” “Design,” and “Execution.”

You can then assign cards to each step based on what stage they’re at: upcoming for when you have something that needs work but hasn’t been assigned yet; In Progress if it’s currently being worked on or waiting for feedback from stakeholders; Complete once you’ve completed a task successfully without any errors.

This allows testers to see where there are bottlenecks so their time isn’t wasted working on things that aren’t necessary right now – this is called visualizing flow efficiency.

By making cards for each task or project, moving them through every step as they are complete, and setting limits on how many can be worked at once – Kanban will allow teams to maintain their workflow without getting caught up in one specific job.


Using Kanban to Improve Software Testing



4 Benefits for using Kanban in software testing


1. Quickly fix bottlenecks

With the Kanban system, teams can identify and resolve bottlenecks in their software testing process faster.

By making it easy to identify where work piles up (e.g., if tasks start piling up ahead of one step in the workflow every time), they are able to see these issues as soon as they happen, eliminating any potential for long-term stagnation or overloading on a specific task’s resources that might have occurred otherwise.

This transparency also allows team members to clearly understand how far along each stage is at all times–thus knowing exactly what needs more attention than others so that nothing slips through unnoticed because somebody was overloaded with too much else going on around them.


2. Committing to the task at hand

Kanban has been proven to be valuable in software testing as it helps teams prioritize tasks and complete them efficiently.

Specifically, with Kanban models, developing a sense of urgency surrounding the work at hand helps avoid over-committing and not delivering on time because the team gets stretched too thin.


Using Kanban to Improve Software Testing



3. Improved prioritization

Kanban has created an efficient system for software testing teams by ensuring that they can work on only the projects in progress.

This means any new requests go untouched until there is time to take care of them, giving project managers more freedom over how those tasks are prioritized and what order they should be done.


4. Quicker output

Kanban in software testing helps avoid bottlenecks by making sure that no one team member has too much work coming into their queue.

Kanban is a system for visualizing and prioritizing tasks, which means it’s also more efficient at planning out future projects before they start to help the entire company stay on track with goals instead of falling behind schedule due to interruptions or lack of organization like what can happen without an effective project management strategy.

Kanban provides better problem solving through improved visualization techniques than other systems, such as Scrum, because its focus point isn’t just productivity but how well each task moves forward versus sitting stagnant waiting for something else–which not only emphasizes balance between different aspects but makes all areas easier to identify when problems arise.




Kanban is a tool that helps you organize and prioritize tasks. It’s used for software testing, but it can be applied to many other industries as well!



In this post we talked about how using Kanban in your business could help with the following things: quickly fix bottlenecks, commit to the task at hand (you have to finish what you start), improved prioritization, quicker output. These are all benefits of Kanban and if any of these resonate with you then give it a try today!


Vivek BhaskaranVivek Bhaskaran is the co-founder of Chisel Labs a premiere agile product management software that brings together roadmapping, team alignment, and customer connection. He is also is the founder of and co-founder / investor in other SaaS startups.


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