Why TryMyUI is the best tool for user testing - Trymata
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TryMyUI is a great user testing platform that allows the owners of a website, mobile app, or prototype to know more about how users feel about their user experience. It sheds light on the tricky and frustrating parts of UX within a design. TryMyUI helps designers and product managers resolve these design problems, making the user experience smooth and convenient.

Reasons why TryMyUI is the best tool for user testing:

TryMyUI offers a wide range of features and benefits to the users when it comes to usability testing. Below is a list of reasons that make TryMyUI the best tool for user testing.


  • Remote user testing

The stand-alone user test is one of our most popular options. Keep an ear to the ground as consumers explain their thoughts and feelings as they interact with your prototype/wireframe, website, or app. In addition to screen captures, you’ll also get real-time audio of the testers, written responses to a post-test survey, and a slew of vital qualitative and quantitative measures.


  • Mobile user testing

Find out where your visitors are getting frustrated, lost, or puzzled on your mobile website or app. Select “website” or “mobile app” from the drop-down menu when building a test, and then select the device type you want testers to use – iPhone, Android, or all mobile devices.

Using our mobile testing software, you can observe exactly how people interact with the app. We provide narrated screen recorded videos from the tester’s smartphone, showing interactions like swipes and taps.


  • User testing of wireframes and prototypes

It is important to conduct user testing at every level of the design process. Doing so saves time and difficulties in the long run. TryMyUI lets you test your prototypes, whether they’re fully interactive or just a collection of static mockups. All you have to do is provide a URL to the prototype, and the testers will handle the rest. So our testers know not to expect a fully operational website, we’ll inform them ahead of time.


  • Impression test feature

A good first impression is crucial. Take the first 15 seconds of a user test and add TryMyUI’s impression test to see what users think about your mobile app or website.

Users view your app or website’s landing page for 15 seconds, before beginning tasks. After those 15 seconds, we revoke the website or mobile app view. Users are then asked to describe the feel of the site, words they remember, items or services offered, and any other impressions they have of the site. This brief test is a terrific way to find out how users initially view your design, as well see if you’re conveying the right message and creating the appropriate mood.


  • Written survey responses

After completing a test video, users answer written survey questions as a way to find out what they remember most about their experience. The more times users bring up a problem in the written responses, the more urgently your team needs to address those needs.

Your dashboard’s “written survey replies” section will display all responses organized by the question when your findings are ready. You may view each tester’s responses with their test video to see how they responded.


  • Curating demographic data from user testing

With our demographically targeted database of thousands of testers, you’ll be able to zero in on your particular target audience and receive the most useful feedback for your app. You can draw from and narrow down the tester pool by using criteria, such as age and family status, in addition to other demographics.

As well, you can create even more specific requirements through screener questions, and we’ll find testers that meet those requirements. We will discuss this further in our next point, however.


  • User testing screener questions

Add a multiple-choice question to your exam, if you want to further narrow your search for specific user traits. If a test subject gives an incorrect answer, you can rule them out of the tester pool. This allows you to generate an even more refined collection of testers, if needed.


  • Conducting user testing on your own users

Customers, partners, clients, employees, or testers you’ve hired yourself may all provide useful input. As part of our Enterprise plan, you can use any or all of these people as testers instead of submitting your project to TryMyUI’s panel.


  • Reliable and vetted testers

We recognize that with prototypes and other early-stage designs, the information your share is sensitive and private. With our platform, you can upload non-disclosure agreements for testers to sign before they begin the test. As well, we vet and verify our tester pool rigorously before they complete user tests. Therefore, you can rest assured that you are getting the very best in tester feedback on your app or website’s user experience.


  • The UX Crowd

UX Crowd is a crowdsourced solution that aids in the prioritization and planning of usability changes by leveraging the insights of huge tester pools. In a weighted voting method, testers express their views on the product’s strengths and weaknesses. This is done by providing a prioritized diagnostic list that identifies next steps for you and your design team.

When you use the UX Crowd, user testing becomes scalable. You’ll obtain all the information you need from 50 tests without having to watch hours of video. Prioritizing product problems becomes easier since it removes the influence of human bias and instead relies on an objective tally of votes for guidance.


  • UX Diagnostics

In addition to the qualitative input from user videos and textual comments, TryMyUI provides quantitative UX Diagnostics. We use psychometrics and recognized questionnaires to assess the overall usability of your item. This includes task usability scores, completion rates, and duration records that can be used to track changes in usability over time.


  • Iterative comparison of user testing results in the UX Sprint

UX Sprint is a tool that allows you to perform iterative user testing. As part of your design process, you can assess the results of your efforts and determine the best course of action.

New “sprints” of your usability tests can be repeated with new testers who are given the same tasks to complete. The findings of the new and old testers can then be compared directly in metrics to show how the usability of your designs has improved over time.


  • Collaborative analysis

It takes a lot of time to analyze user footage. The executive summary generator makes it simple to turn user feedback into product enhancements. As many tests as necessary can be executed simultaneously by members of the team, and together you can determine pain-points in the user experience and make quick updates to the design.


  • Login for multiple users

Your team’s design process will be more focused on the user experience if each member has their own login. Collaboratively discussing ideas and solutions based on real-time feedback from users is easier than ever before. User testing may be completed on time with shared access to user tests and data.


  • Video annotations

Create “aha” moments in your user videos as sortable tags and timestamps in annotations. Each member of the team can see the annotations, so they can rapidly navigate to the most important parts of a video. These annotations can then be used to generate highlight reels for you and your team to access and review easily.



These are all of the reasons that make TryMyUI the best tool for user testing. Our wide variety of features and many benefits make us a beloved user testing platform. Start user testing with TryMyUI and share your experience with us today!


Free Trial Test Button on a green background with white text that reads "Get The User's View. See how you can improve your website or app"