Multi-member logins (seats) - Trymata

Multi-member logins (seats)

For organizations with multiple members or teams running their own research projects, unique logins are a great way to share the Trymata platform while keeping your projects organized and secure.

Multi-member logins are useful for:

  • Single teams with several members who are all involved in the UX research process
  • Single teams working on and testing multiple different digital products or flows
  • Large organizations with several different teams that do user research & usability testing
  • Agencies that design, build, and/or manage a variety of websites or apps for different clients

With multiple unique logins (or “seats”) on a shared Trymata plan, your teams will be able to run all the tests they need, without interfering in each others’ work. Every login has its own account dashboard that only shows the projects they’re involved in, for maximum data security and minimum clutter.


Adding collaborators on a Trymata usability test with multi-member login features


Multi-member logins and Trymata plans

All Trymata usability testing plans come with at least 1 extra seat in addition to the plan owner/admin. If your organization needs more seats than your plan allows by default, you can purchase more on an ad-hoc basis, or talk to your Trymata representative about bundle or upgrade options.

  • Team Plan: Comes with 2 total seats (1 plan owner + 1 additional login)
  • Enterprise Plan: Comes with 5 total seats (1 plan owner + 4 additional logins)
  • Unlimited Plan: Comes with unlimited seats
  • Agency Plan: Comes with unlimited seats (including for your clients)

In your plan setup, you can choose whether all tests created within your organization will be shared with all members by default, or only with the test creator and the plan admin. Either way, collaborators on tests can be manually updated later on.

Customize the way your organization does usability testing, and enable everyone to get involved with user research, with Trymata!


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