Become a UX tester and get paid for it!

User Testing & Product Analytics Tools For Startups & VCs

What is a UX tester?


A UX tester evaluates the usability, functionality, and overall user experience of a product or website to identify issues and ensure it effectively meets user needs.


At Trymata, we are constantly looking for individuals interested in becoming UX testers. By joining us, you can help our clients test new features, products, and platforms while receiving compensation for your valuable feedback.

What makes a great UX tester?

Run Moderated User Testing for websites, mobile apps, prototypes

We’re looking for insightful individuals who can help improve websites and apps by simply being themselves and sharing their thoughts.

To become a great usability tester:

We’re interested in real-life reactions from everyday users. Just follow the test scenario and imagine using the site naturally, like you would in your daily life.

How to apply to be a UX tester for Trymata?

Reach Targeted Users Through Trymata User Testing

Applying to become a UX tester for Trymata is simple, thanks to our streamlined qualification process.

To apply, just follow these steps:

At Trymata, we help website owners uncover valuable insights by showcasing real user experiences. If you are interested in shaping better online experiences and earning an income from it, apply to become a UX tester.


“I’ve turned my free time into extra income. Being a UX tester is simple—I just share my real experience while exploring platforms. It’s flexible, rewarding, and great to know my feedback helps improve websites for everyone!"

Sarah Aguilar
UX tester

Ready to be a UX tester?
