Selecting an appropriate usability testing sample size - Trymata
Appropriate usability testing sample size with 5 people

Have you ever wondered how a sample is selected for prototype usability testing? What are the significant factors on which sample size is selected? And how it goes through usability testing before a launch. What is an appropriate usability testing sample size?When deciding on the appropriate sample size, the first thing to consider is the number of users to recruit. Another thing to consider is the availability of subjects scheduled for every session. It will depend on budget, available resources, and time constraints. There are some general guidelines to determine the number of people included in each usability test session.

How many users does my product target? The more specific or defined your product’s user base, e.g., “business travelers,” the fewer participants will be needed. What are the characteristics of my user base? Are they a similar group? If the answer is yes, recruiting enough people who fit that profile is not too hard.


What constitutes an appropriate usability testing sample size?

The sample size is the number of participants recruited for usability testing. The sample size is a function of the goals for your test and how many users you need to achieve those goals.


How is an appropriate usability testing sample size selected?

Some factors are considered while selecting a sample size.


Time available

One also needs to consider the time frame available for usability testing. Getting a large enough sample size will help get more accurate and reliable information about the product’s user experience.



The amount of money available is also essential when selecting a sample size. That could be spent on the usability test while selecting a sample size. Suppose one can select a larger sample size, resulting in less cost with more accurate results. But if one can only get a small sample size, it will be costly to obtain accurate results.


Balancing diversity for accurate results

When selecting a sample size for usability testing, it is essential to balance the diversity. There is a need for enough people to provide representative data with a small test group that won’t take too long to run. Generally, the better your test results, the larger your sample size should be. But, if you want to save time and money, you can sometimes get by with a smaller sample size. It is especially true for testing a prototype. It is likely to have high variability and inconsistency in the user interface.


Complexity of the product

Another thing to consider is the complexity of the product being designed. The more complex a product is, the more critical it is to include a larger sample size in your usability testing. It is because complex products are harder to use. It also leads to higher levels of user error and frustration.

The more complex the product being tested is, the more resources are used to perform a usability test. It includes the number of users required, the amount of time needed, and the complexity of the data collected.

This complexity will affect the yield of the test and the usability test report. It is crucial to plan tests based on the product’s complexity.

For example, when one performs a usability test on a simple web application, a small number of users may be enough to provide meaningful feedback. A complex web application with many features and functionalities will need more users to get results. So it may be necessary to test a more significant number of users to get a representative sample. It also affects the length of time needed to perform the test. Additionally, it can affect the yield of the test. Therefore, it’s crucial to plan your test based on the product’s complexity.


Other factors

It’s important to remember that several factors determine the appropriate sample size for usability testing. There is no magic formula that works for all projects.

It is also the case with many decisions in life (and science). There are trade-offs between cost and quality. If you want high-quality results, then use large samples. But if one doesn’t have enough time or money available, small samples might be a more appropriate choice than the bigger ones.

In short, when choosing a sample size, it’s essential to consider the study’s goals, available resources, and data analysis methods. The number of recruited participants will directly impact data quality and accuracy. So it’s necessary to choose an appropriate sample size depending on usability testing needs.


Consider goals and resources to analyze data

To determine the correct sample size for your usability test, you need to think about your goals, resources, and how to analyze your data.

The type of research will influence the appropriate sample size. For example, if you’re conducting exploratory research on a new product or service. It may be more important to have an intentionally small sample size to get feedback from users at an early stage of development. It will help to make changes before the launch.

In this case, having just 20 participants might give you enough information. It might be helpful for the improvement of the product before launch (assuming they represent different types of users). But, if you’re doing a usability test after launch, many customers are already using it (and possibly even paying for it). At that time, having 100 participants would allow for better statistical analysis. There would be more data points (such as mean scores).

It will then allow calculating confidence intervals or conducting hypothesis testing. It’s also essential that each random sampling technique has been applied. It will ensure that it does not lead to any selection bias in results from one group compared with another.


Problems with a small usability testing sample size 

A small sample size can cause problems when analyzing or reporting on the results. It makes it hard to draw meaningful conclusions about how different groups responded to each other. There isn’t enough diversity among them, with too few people in the study to generalize any findings.

During testing, there will be no results on larger populations of people who might interact with the product (e.g., customers).

Besides, you may not cover essential aspects if you don’t have enough people. The lower number of participants could also affect effectiveness and quality control. Later in the downline, certain variables like not having enough time won’t make sense due to the lack thereof.


Advantages of using an appropriate usability testing sample size

      • Removal of UX design errors

You should not ignore prototype usability testing errors. They can cause severe issues later on if ignored. They can lead to expensive mistakes in the development and production of the product. But by using the right sample size, it is possible to avoid these errors.

      • Accurate and precise results

When you use an appropriate sample size, it yields better and more accurate results. It will also make sure the prototype usability testing will not fail upon its launch.


General principles for selecting an appropriate usability testing sample size

According to conventional thinking, you should have included five to eight individuals per user community in a usability test to expose 80 percent to 90 percent of interaction difficulties. Although this is a helpful guideline, there are a few crucial aspects to consider when tailoring it to your needs:

      • The amount and variety of user groups are also important considerations. If your product has one group of users, you may have the means to include more than just the above guideline suggests (e.g., ten participants) to understand your product better.
      • The scope of the test: If you have a lot of significant interaction areas you want to look into. You might want to go with the upper end of the five to eight participants’ recommendation, keeping in mind that you might not even have time to go over everything with each participant.
      • The time it takes to iterate on a design. You could undertake numerous cycles of assessment with smaller sample sizes if you do have the capacity to improve on the process or product swiftly.



In conclusion, selecting an appropriate usability testing sample size for prototype testing is vital. The size of the sample required will vary depending on the complexity of the product. It will help to cut the risks of unanticipated consequences. It will also optimize the yield of your test and usability test report.

The number of users is a critical factor in determining the significance of the results. Your goals, resources, and data analysis plan will determine the sample size for usability tests. Getting enough participants for a sample may be challenging if you have limited resources. You may want to consider increasing your budget. Testing fewer participants is also a workable option.

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